How to make a furnace in Minecraft and what to do?

To make a furnace in Minecraft, follow these steps:

  1. Gather cobblestone: You’ll need eight pieces of cobblestone to make a furnace.
  2. Open your crafting menu: Press “E” on your keyboard to open your crafting menu.
  3. Place the cobblestone: Arrange the cobblestone in a square shape in the crafting grid, leaving the center square empty.
  4. Craft the furnace: Click on the furnace icon to craft it.
  5. Place the furnace: Once you’ve crafted the furnace, you can place it down in the world by right-clicking with it in your hand.

To use the furnace, follow these steps:

  1. Gather fuel: You can use a variety of fuels to power your furnace, such as coal or wooden planks.
  2. Add your items: Place the item you want to smelt or cook in the top slot of the furnace, and add fuel to the bottom slot.
  3. Wait for it to finish: The furnace will start smelting or cooking your item, and you’ll see flames and smoke coming out of the top. Wait for the progress bar to fill up to indicate that the item is finished.
  4. Collect your item: Once the progress bar is full, the item will be ready to collect. Simply click on it in the output slot to add it to your inventory.

Note: Furnaces can also be used to create a variety of other items, such as charcoal and smooth stone. Experiment with different materials to see what you can make!


To summarize, to make a furnace in Minecraft, you need to gather cobblestone and arrange it in a square shape in the crafting grid. Once crafted, you can place the furnace down in the world and use it to smelt or cook items by adding fuel and the item you want to smelt/cook. Wait for the progress bar to fill up, and then collect your item from the output slot. Furnaces can also be used to create other items, such as charcoal and smooth stone.

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