What is Ray Tracing, what is it and how is it used

Technology and video games are advancing rapidly, and new technologies and game genres appear to be dominating each category. What is ray tracing? What is it good for? And how does it work? These questions arise in the news.

It’s simply a technology used to improve the quality of light, graphics, and display effects in computer and console game consoles. Furthermore, this new tech represents one of the most important aspects of graphic cards and gaming consoles. To learn more about the scope of ray tracing and what it entails, read on.

What is Ray Tracing, algorithms and technology

The name in Spanish for this technology will be rayo (Spanish word for lightning). A special algorithm takes different types of input (such as light, sound, temperature, etc.) into account when creating an image or explanation. Even though what you’re getting are amazing environments, they ultimately affect the frame rate of the game.

Graphics card manufacturer NVIDIA has begun developing an algorithm for its first GPUs. Despite technological limitations, the company was able to release its first product in 2018. To favor graphics card models that support ray tracing, manufacturers have renamed their previous generation of graphics card models from GTX to RTX. That is, all NVIDIA RTX have support for Ray Tracing.

To understand what ray tracing means, you need to know about the new tensor core technology of NVIDIA graphics cards. These are the new tools that allow designers to create high quality designs for each object in their environments. The game must be compatible with this particular algorithm, and usually in each title there is an option or not to enable these features.

Advances in Ray Tracing performance

Video game developers are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to create better graphics and gameplay. With the latest video game titles supporting ray tracing technology, we now have:

  • Watch dogs
  • Exodus Metro
  • Mark V
  • Minecraft
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

What are the benefits of Ray Tracing?

Video game developers often use this technology because they think it makes their products better. The quality of the photos and the clarity of the environments and objects is very good, and they’re best appreciated when there’s lots of motion and activity. For example, in simulations and research, the light in the trees in the forests can be improved by using this type of algorithm.

Before the development of the RDNA 2 GPU architecture, rival company AMD also showed off its own ray-traced technology. These consoles have these graphics processing units (GPUs) and provide an amazing view in terms of lighting and shadowing.

It’s a technology specifically for video games

Because of its unique features and uses, Ray Tracing technology is especially designed for improving the visual aspects of sports. Benchmark tests were also performed to compare the capabilities of different graphics card models with this algorithm.

There is still the problem of graphics card manufacturers making sure their latest models maintain a high frame rate even if ray tracing is enabled. For games, maintaining a high frame rate (FPS) is important, so ray tracing is still developing. Over the next few years, we expect to see improvements in the way video games are used by people with high performance computers.

How Ray Tracing works in a title

This algorithm is known as ray tracing technology, which is a way of simulating the path of light rays (rays). The aim is to understand the journey of light through space and time, from a human to a stone or a tree. It’s very hard to model all the necessary connections between objects, so the technology tries to create more realistic images by using artificial intelligence.

You can visit the amazing game which shows the typical effects of its UnrealĀ® Game Development Kit (UDK) by visiting the official site. You can also check out the effects of the effect on a headline. This is the best part of the technology, because the differences between an image with ray tracing and one without ray tracing are incredible.


As far as ray tracing goes, the technology is still very important but its capabilities are growing every single year. Games and video game console systems and graphics software are intended to be used by everyone. Lighting and shadows can really change the look and feel of an environment. NVIDIA and AMD are trying their best to keep the performance impact of this new feature as low as possible, so we need to be careful when looking at the change and its implementation throughout the year.

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